"All the profits from tonight are going to a good cause," announced comedian Mickey Freeman, as the crowd hushed to hear which charity would benefit from Soupy Sales's book party at the Friar's Club last week. "A good cause!" Freeman continued. "Soupy wants to refinish his basement!" Oy. Well, at least SOMEONE is following Mayor Giuliani's request that we all get back to normal. The date was Oct. 11 -- one month exactly since the day when all jokes became stale. With that cloud of sadness still hovering over the entire city, the legends of the Friar's Club set out to celebrate comedian Soupy Sales's autobiography "Soupy Sez: My Life and Zany Times." (The book is in its third printing already. Apparently, the first two were blurry.) The Milton Berle Room at the famed E. 55th Street clubhouse was filled with all the usual suspects -- "Chuck Wepner is here! Larry Storch is here! Charlie Callas is here! They say that beauty is skin deep, but UGLY is Charlie Callas!" Freeman said -- the cocktail franks and the cheap red wine were being downed in the usual quantities, the stolen jokes were being re-swapped with the usual excuses, and Freeman tried to hold everyone's attention with the usual old jokes ("Books are important. I knew a guy who hated doctors, so he treated himself from a medical encyclopedia. The other day, he died of a misprint! So you can see how books are important!"). But the mood was off. You could tell it from the minute that Nipsey Russell entered the room. Freeman asked him to come to the microphone and blow the dust off some jokes for a few minutes (a quintessential requirement of Friar's membership), yet Russell declined. "It's an awkward time to be a comedian," Russell told me. "Comedy is based partly on mean-spiritedness. It's hard to do that now." But just as a salmon must swim upstream, a comedian must work. Russell said that since Sept. 11, he's had to adopt a new approach to all his old jokes. "You have to fudge everything," he said. "I'll say, `You know, before all this happened, we used to think a lot of things were important. We'd ask President Clinton, "Did you sleep with Gennifer Flowers?" and he'd say, "Not a wink." But that's not important now.' "You can still get a laugh, but you have to put the joke in a different context now," Russell explained. Freeman, naturally, hasn't stopped working (the only thing that could get him to stop would be a fire in that joke vault that he's constantly raiding). Just a week after the attack, Freeman played a Jewish temple in Houston (talk about a tough room!) and opened by explaining the importance of working through adversity. "I'm used to working under tough conditions," Freeman said. "I finished a show at a hospital the other day and I saw a guy in a wheelchair in the front row, so I said, `I hope you get better.' He just looked at me and said, `I hope you do, too.' So you can see I'm used to working under tough conditions." With the jibes at a minimum -- and the Friar's motto "Prae Omnia Fraternitas ("Beyond All Things Brotherhood") actually being observed for the first time -- the talk turned to Soupy Sales, who's experiencing a renaissance right now, what with a book, two movies and a new live show. There was actually love in the room. A room full of old comedians and not a bad word was spoken. Something IS wrong in this town. Russell maneuvered in for a word with Sales, who was signing books. "Soupy," he asked, "have you seen my show?" Sales took the bait. "On and off," he said. "And how did you like it?" "Off." Meanwhile, the evening was winding down, so Freeman finally offered what he called his "Afghanistan joke," which was really just an introduction for a fellow comedian, a guy who is always trying to find work in the Catskills -- what the Jewish comics call "the mountains." "He's so eager for a gig," Freeman said, "that when he heard that Afghanistan was full of mountains, he said, `Send me! I'll go!'" Let the record show, the joke bombed. --30--